Top Up and invest in seconds!

You can now fund your account using your card and start buying cryptos. It’s fast, secure and EASY!

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SwissBorg card deposit
Buy cryptos whenever you want

Buy crypto whenever you desire

Enjoy the safety & security of  3D Secure system

Enjoy the safety & security of 3D Secure system

Start with as little as 10 EUR

Start with as little as 10 EUR

Use your card, add funds, and start investing in seconds!

  1. Tap Deposit button on the main screen
  2. Choose “add card’
  3. Provide card details
  4. Select the currency and enter amount
  5. Authenticate payment with 3D Secure
Deposit and invest in minutes!
Deposit and invest in minutes!
Deposit and invest in minutes!
Deposit and invest in minutes!
Deposit and invest in minutes!
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Our fees vary according to your Premium tier. Upgrade to any of our Premium plans to save on fees. View the table to see the fee % per transaction value (3 EUR minimum fee for all Premium levels, except for Standard and Explorer accounts, which pay 5 EUR minimum fee).

Get Premium
Card deposit fees

Explore more features in the Swissborg app

BORG Token

BORG Token

SwissBorg Earn

SwissBorg Earn

Supported assets

Supported assets

BORG Rewards page

Rewards program