$BORG: Your key to financial freedom

Embark on your Borger Journey and get the most out of your SwissBorg experience.

Borg journey swiss mountains

Keeping $BORG at the heart of our ecosystem

Bridging the gap between utilities with a journey designed to respect your own pace towards financial freedom.

Begin Your Borger Journey

Purchase your first BORG tokens, explore our intuitive app, and start building your portfolio. Unlock Alpha Opportunities by increasing your BORG token holdings.

Borger mountain camp

Elevate Your SwissBorg Experience

Lock your BORG tokens in our Premium system to enjoy discounts on exchange fees, boosted APY, and accelerate your Borger Score.

Boost APY
Premium tiers in app

Join the Guardians and Voice Your Opinion

Participate in the Guardians initiative and use your voicing power to influence community decisions. Unlock participation rewards by increasing your Borger Rank.

Become a Guardian
Borg election
Borger Camp

Are you ready to begin your Borger Journey?

Embark on a quest of challenging milestones where your accomplishments not only enhance your personal experience but also fuel the growth of the SwissBorg ecosystem.

Get started

Rewards await as you advance on your journey

Borger alpha vault

Don’t miss your next investment opportunity

Unlock access to Alpha vaults and boost your portfolio with  emerging projects and other exclusive investment opportunities.

Learn more
Borger time lock

Secure early access to our newest features

Stay ahead of the crowd and try our upcoming additions to our app before everyone else.

Get started
Borg election

Amplify your influence in Guardian sessions

Increase your Borger Rank to raise your voicing power for Guardian sessions and start earning participation rewards for being an active community member.

Get started
Borger power

Power the growth of BORG

Your engagement fuels the expansion of BORG, benefiting not just you but every loyal token holder.

Get started
Borger alpha vault
Borger time lock
Borg election
Borger power

Don’t miss your next investment opportunity

Unlock access to Alpha vaults and boost your portfolio with  emerging projects and other exclusive investment opportunities.

Learn more

Secure early access to our newest features

Stay ahead of the crowd and try our upcoming additions to our app before everyone else.

Get started

Amplify your influence in Guardian sessions

Increase your Borger Rank to raise your voicing power for Guardian sessions and start earning participation rewards for being an active community member.

Get started

Power the growth of BORG

Your engagement fuels the expansion of BORG, benefiting not just you but every loyal token holder.

Get started

How does it work?

Hold BORG tokens to increase your Borger Score and get a significant boost by upgrading your Premium tier.

Explore the rewards for the next Borger camps directly within the app, giving you a glimpse of the excitement of progressing to the next levels.

Premium tiers multipliers

Buy BORG token with the SwissBorg app

  1. Tap deposit button on the main screen
  2. Choose “add card”
  3. Provide card details
  4. Select the currency and enter amount
  5. Authenticate payment with 3D Secure
SwissBorg App deposit screen
SwissBorg App deposit screen
SwissBorg App deposit screen
SwissBorg App deposit screen
SwissBorg App deposit screen
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